General Video Tips & Guidelines

To make streaming worship run smoothly on Sunday mornings, what with all the tech glitches that we all know COULD happen, we’ve decided to pre-record the entire service and stream it at 10:00am on Sunday morning. 

For those who will be speaking, below are some guidelines and tips for recording the video. This is a new situation for all of us, so we’ll need to be flexible and adjust as we go.

  • Recording your video: 

    • Record in landscape mode (phone on its side) NOT in portrait mode (we don’t want a tall, skinny video)

    • Please make the recording in a quiet area (to avoid background noise)

    • Make sure you’re in the shot (not just the top of your head, or something)

    • Try to film yourself with the camera roughly at eye-level (no up-nose angles, please)

    • Avoid bright backgrounds (like sitting with your back to a window). What happens is the camera will adjust to handle the brightness which darkened your face and we can’t see you very well. We want your face to be well-lit.

    • After recording, watch the video to be sure the audio is decent

    • IT DOESN’T HAVE TO BE PERFECT. We’re not looking for professional-level stuff, here. Let’s just keep it real. We’re all sitting on our living rooms, so help us feel like you’re there with us. 

    • Upload your video files: CLICK HERE

  • Timing:

    • We’ll need your video by Friday evening at the LATEST

Specifics for Lord’s Supper Speakers

  • Items to video record: 

    • Communion thoughts 

      • The focus should still be on remembering the sacrifice of Christ, so please at least end up there when you plan your thoughts.

    • Prayer for bread 

    • Time for taking bread (we will edit this into the video)

    • Communion thoughts, pt2 - optional 

    • Prayer for cup 

    • Time for taking cup (we will edit this into the video)

    • Contribution comments 

      • As a part of your comments, please remind everyone that contributions can be made online at or mailed in to the church office.  

    • Contribution prayer  - optional

  • Time constraints: 

    • We’re really trying to keep things time-constrained since people are more likely to mentally “tune out” when they’re watching on a screen vs. being there in person. 

    • Total talking time for all you have to say (including prayer time) should be no more than 10min.